音楽:Ridiculous を通販で購入する(通信販売で予約する)





1. Electric Trains
2. Heaven Knows
3. Grouch of the Day
4. Walk Away
5. This Summer
6. Got to Me
7. Long Face
8. I Want You
9. Daphne
10. Lost for Words
11. Great Escape
12. Temptation for Love
13. Sound Asleep
14. Fingertips


Album Description
2007 Digitally Remastered Edition of One of the Great Lost Gems in the Squeeze Discography. The Band Achieved Chart Success with "Electric Trains" (And It's Controversial Subject Matter), "This Summer" and "Heaven Knows" and Should have Had it as Well with the Trip-hoppy "Fingertips", "Daphne" (The Title Tune) and the Rockin' "The Great Escape". But the True Diamond of this Set is the Haunting "Temptation for Love", Beautifully Recorded with Singer/Songwriter Cathy Dennis. The Original Album Tracks Are Augmented with the Previously Unreleased "This Road", the Punchier Single Remix of "This Summer", an Earlier Version of What Became "Fingertips" Called "Cappuccino Lips" and Three Acoustic Versions of "Electric Trains", "i Want You" and the Tongue-in-cheek Toe-tapper "Grouch of the Day".


CD 販売のバナー広告



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ヘルス&ビューティー:[インフルエンザ対策用 セーフマスク プレミア ブルー・カラー をチェックする]
雑誌:[CROSSBEAT クロスビート 2009年 03月号 雑誌 をチェックする]
ホーム&キッチン:[ナイスデイ ホワイトダックタウン85%使用羽毛掛敷寝具2点セット シングル ブラウン 20249 をチェックする]
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4198926328:[中国の 反日 は終わらない 徳間文庫 こ29-8を読む(通販で購入)]

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